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A Politicized Existence

Body Politics, The Nation
Body Politics, The Nation

At one point in time the term 'DEI' or, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, actually meant something. Visceral Change, an international organizational development firm focusing on equity, inclusion, and justice, acknowledges org diversity as 'difference,' org inclusion as 'involvement,' and org equity as the centering or re-centering of those identities most marginalized when considering structures, policies, and procedures. When combined, the work of DEI served many organizations, like Mastercard, as a rising tide that lifted all boats as the embracing of difference naturally led to a wealth of new ideas and growth opportunities; especially around talent development. But then something changed...

At first, the change was manageable, albeit noticeable. After the wave of efforts that swept the nation and the world in 2020, 'DEI' became an estimated $8 billion dollar industry as organizations and institutions alike began reimagining and reframing their commitments to the work of social justice. Then, slowly, after roughly three or so years, businesses began decommitting to the work of DEI not by pulling funding, but by not following through on their promises. Concerns of quality and impact began surfacing causing organizations to consider whether certain initiatives were worthwhile. Following that came the decision to embark on a "reduction in force" (code name for the removal of undesirable organizational employees and/or efforts) which disproportionately impacted DEI positions and offices in organizations and institutions. And then, the government joined the party.

State Sanctioned Exclusion

In 2024, several states in the U.S. began to propose legislation that would either "roll back" or outright bring an end to DEI programming and initiatives. In fact, by the year's end,

more than thirty states had introduced or passed anti-DEI orders either through state legislatures or gubernatorial executive orders. Now, in 2025 (as of the time of this publication), at least thirteen states have signed said orders into law.

To anybody watching with at least menial sense-making abilities, it is clear to see that these anti-DEI bills - introduced and supported by overwhelmingly republican forces - are an attempt to control the narratives the American people, both present and future, by conservative thinkers. Some conservative states who have an eye on "making America great again" are doing so in ways that are reminiscent of traditional "Doctrine of Discovery" tactics which include not just the gun, but also the bible. On June 27, 2024, it became a requirement of Oklahoma schools for grades 5-12 to incorporate the ten commandments into their learning curriculum. Despite the blatantly obvious and deliberate unconstitutional nature of such an order, neither the Oklahoma state legislature, nor the state's judicial body have done anything to challenge the Superintendent of School's directive; in fact, they've done just the opposite. From there, the consortium to remove DEI from any and all things made its way into the federal government where these brash and, again, unconstitutional behaviors demonstrated by several key members of conservative institutions have only become more brazen since the day less than 50% of the population voted to support the candidacy of don trump.

U.S. Presidential Election Results, 2024 - Wikipedia
U.S. Presidential Election Results, 2024 - Wikipedia

The Current State of DEI

Which brings us to today. A day where DEI doesn't mean nearly what it once meant; a term Tina Opie of Babson College in Massachusetts described as being intended to address and correct discriminatory policies or practices that may be found within an organization. Today, this nuanced yet, palpable definition of DEI has been stripped of its original meaning and moved from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to "Didn't Earn It..." but didn't earn what? And most importantly, who didn't earn "it"?

The answer is simple - you. You didn't earn it. Not "you" the white, Christian, cis-gendered, heterosexual, able-bodied male. But "you," literally everyone else - especially Black people and more specifically, Black women. And what is it you didn't earn? Anything. Everything. Are you a professor? You didn't earn that. Are you a medical doctor? You didn't earn that either. Are you a store manager? Nope, didn't earn it. Maybe you're just a student trying to educate yourself at one of America's many institutions of higher education. Well, that one was definitely one you didn't earn, and the highest court in the land will tell you that. I got it, are you an athlete? Well, actually, that one just might be a Black job.

New Anti-DEI Legislation, The Chronicle of Higher Education
New Anti-DEI Legislation, The Chronicle of Higher Education

The transformation of DEI from a heralded, revered, and most importantly, data proven approach to individual and organizational success, to a critique of human validity is something reminiscent of pre-Warren Court America. The notion that women and LGBTQ+ firefighters are forced to defend their credentials in the midst of a county-wide fire, or that a Black pilot needs to question whether his passengers will feel safe simply because he is at the helm is the DEI much of conservative America wants to see today. For Black people in America, though, this isn't an adjustment. Our bodies have been politicized since the framing of the nation in the summer of 1787 when whether to enslave Africans and African Americans became a part of of the Constitutional political agenda at Independence Hall. What's more alarming is the reach such a perspective has; how its insidiousness has moved from the social sphere, into the professional sphere, and back into the political sphere, once again. There was a point in time where I would pick up a history book or watch a history documentary and think to myself "Man, I'm glad we have moved past that. I'm not sure if I would have made it back then." Now, in hindsight, I guess we'll see.


The Weekly Opinion is a series designed to keep the people of the United States, and the world, up to date and in tune with the latest news. The private and independent nature of Con Eye™ allows for it to bring you information untainted by potentially government-controlled narratives.

Con Eye™, est. 2025
Con Eye™, est. 2025


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